A blog dedicated to all the yoga Bilyana offers in Barcelona and around - class schedules, yoga related articles and news, personal opinions, experience and thoughts.
About Me
- Dakini Bilyana
- Barcelona, Spain
- Yoga practitioner & instructor. She did her yoga teacher training in November 2009 en Centered Yoga Thailand. She has given more then 400 classes in English, Spanish and Bulgarian. She started a yoga group in Barcelona in 2009 and manages all its activities. She's given various classes and substitutions in yoga schools Yoga Bindu, Link yoga, Kannon Gyo, BeYoga, Hohm yoga and gyms Metropolitan, Arsenal, as well as few private classes and classes outdoors with family and friends.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Beneficios de Sirshasana - la postura sobre la cabeza
Beneficios: Sirshasana revitaliza todos los sistemas del cuerpo. Aumenta la irrigación sanguínea del cerebro y de la glándula pituitaria, lo que ayuda a la curación de muchas formas de desórdenes nerviosos y glandulares. Esta asana hace que se invierta el flujo normal de sangre que de las piernas va a las regiones del abdomen; y luego, regresa al corazón, lo que coadyuva a la renovación de los tejidos. Es una gran ayuda para casi todos los desequilibrios glandulares, especialmente aquellos que se relacionan con el sistema sexual. Es eficaz en la curación de muchos desórdenes psicológicos, alivia el dolor de la cabeza, el asma, diabetes, la falta de energía y ayuda en casos de esterilidad.
Mejora la memoria, la vista, el oído, abre los nadis y despierta la Kundalini. Es la más grande de todas las asanas ya que tiene una gran influencia benéfica sobre todos los sistemas del cuerpo.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Steady and comfortable
Yoga Sutras II.46
स्थिरसुखम् आसनम् - Sthira-sukham asanam
Asanas should be steady and comfortable. The third limb of Raja yoga is the asanas or postures. This is a whole subdivision of Raja yoga known as Hatha yoga, which works directly with the prana and kundalini, the more subtle energy currents in the body. Hatha yoga postures, always done in a specific order, massage the endocrine glands and release energy blockages in the system so that a meditative stat is brought about physically rather than through sitting and watching the mind. Hath yoga is best practices in conjunction with meditation for the asanas are a vital aid, but not the end, on the path of samadhi.
स्थिरसुखम् आसनम् - Sthira-sukham asanam
Asanas should be steady and comfortable. The third limb of Raja yoga is the asanas or postures. This is a whole subdivision of Raja yoga known as Hatha yoga, which works directly with the prana and kundalini, the more subtle energy currents in the body. Hatha yoga postures, always done in a specific order, massage the endocrine glands and release energy blockages in the system so that a meditative stat is brought about physically rather than through sitting and watching the mind. Hath yoga is best practices in conjunction with meditation for the asanas are a vital aid, but not the end, on the path of samadhi.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Regular classes
Clases de yoga regulares:
* Kannon Gyo http://www.kannongyo.com/
Lunes 19h - 20.30h Vinyasa 2
Lunes 20.30h - 22.00h Vinyasa 1-2
Viernes 17.30 - 19h Vinyasa 1-2
Saturday 11.00 - 12.30 - Vinyasa 2 in English
* En Zentro Yoga (C/Arribau con Diagonal) o en Instituto Yoga Dinámico
http://www.meetup.com/Yoga-Cha llenge-in-Barcelona/
Saturday 13 - 14.30h Vinyasa level 2 in English
Sabado 14.45 - 16.00 - Vinyasa nivel 1
* Centro civico El Sortidor en Poble Sec - Pl. Sortidor 12
martes & jueves 19.15 - 20.30 - level 1
martes & jueves 20.30 - 21.45 - level 2
* Yoga Room Eixample - C/Casanova, 2-2
nuevas clases en el año nuevo...
* Mandiram Gracia http://www.yoga-dinamico.com/ (a partir de julio)
lunes 8.00 - 9.00, 9.15 - 10.15 - 2 classes de Hatha Vinyasa nivel abierto
miercoles & jueves 14.15 - 15.15 Hatha Vinyasa nivel abierto
en Mandiram Pelayo miercoles 20.00 - 21.15h - Hatha Vinyasa nivel abierto
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